Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Real Life Children's Ranch

Paul and I would like to share about the exciting ministry opportunity the Lord has given us.
We have been asked to be house parents at the Real Life Children's Ranch in Okeechobee, Florida!
Real Life Children's Ranch is a ministry that offers family style group foster homes for children ages 5-17. "The homes operate as a family doing things like grocery shopping, homework, meals, attending church and community activities together."
What does this mean for our family... well, it means our family will be moving on May 16th to Okeechobee with our official start date May 18th! Our responsibilities are to love, care and make a family home life for the boys God has put in our home. Right now there are 4 boys in the home with room for 2 more. We are also excited to be ministering along side the wonderful people at the ranch. Sarah is also excited to be a part of the ranch, Lily is....unsure
(I don't think she really understands yet).
RLCR is an amazing minsitry and we are exctied and humbled to be called into full time ministry there. So, if the Lord brings us to your heart we covet your prayers for our family as we step out in faith to serve our awesome God!
Below are some of the pictures of the ranch.

This is the pond for the kids to swim in on hot summer days. Notice I said kids, I ain't swimming in that pond, but I am sure Paul will! Oh, and my kitchen window over looks this beautiful pond!

The Fraser Chapel is used for ministry and ranch purposes, (there are no regular church services there).

This is the Baxter and Legacy Home (it's like a duplex) we will be living in the Legacy side.

Beautiful Picnic Pavillion

Horses for the ranch kids to ride.

Barn for animals, right up our alley! :) Now we can raise chickens again!!!!!!!
For more pictures, history and staff just log on to Check it out!


Nicole said...

How exciting for you and your family to be part of this. You will be deeply missed by all my children at AWANA. I look forward to reading about your new adventures.

Love and God Bless
Nicole, Ed, Vinny, Sal, Kelli and Nicholas

Where in the World are the Powells said...

How very exciting! I know you will do an amazing job! This seems to be right up your alley! We will be praying for you the next few weeks/months as you pack, move and unpack into your new home! We definitely know the stress it can bring, but the excitement of being in a new place with new challenges! We love and miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

that is so cool! i'm so excited for you guys. you will make wonderful house parents!! God Bless!! nancy

Anonymous said...

This is AWESOME!!! I had NO idea there was anything like this around. PLEASE PLEASE let Brian and I know if there is ANYTHING we can do to assist you or these kids.

Jen Garcia

Shannon said...

Wow! I am behind and just catching up. Isn't God amazing? He has given you a whole HOUSE full of children to "adopt" and care for! That is so wonderful. So happy for you all.

Livin' out loud said...

WOW! That is SOME news! What a wonderful calling for you all! We will miss you SOOO much! Is this a permanate move? I have sooooo many questions!
Hugs to ALL

Anonymous said...

This was my home and it was great. Love Aunt Peggy and Uncle Paul